Thursday, September 30, 2010


When I'm trying to rush out the door or get ready for work, what I think will take just a couple minutes inevitably takes longer. When I'm out on a run and trying to make it home with enough time to get ready for work without being late I calculate and break down everything I have to do: shower and change (45 minutes), breakfast (6 minutes), prepare coffee in traveler (30 seconds), grab my pre-made lunch and water (2 minutes), sync Garmin and update Daily Mile (2 minutes)...

My wonderful brother broke down what he does in the time it took me to run one mile in my recent race:

Things Christian can accomplish with 6:51:

Eat an entire meal at taco bell

Enjoy a 22oz blue moon at a Chicago bar with my running-sis.

Send a (hopefully) comical email about things to do in under seven minutes.

Walk the streets of Chicago without hearing a jab about the hometown baseball teams.

Walk casually to Wrigley field from my bedroom.

Walk quickly to aforementioned taco bell.

Kick back three shotguns during Iowa football tailgate.

Take a nap between train stops on the yellow line.

Enjoy a Dave Matthews Band version of All Along The Watchtower before deciding to go to the next song.

Sit for a family meal before a fight breaks loose.

Read a couple interesting blog posts on MentalMarkers

Fight to get an eyelash out of my eye (sorry, but it’s been bothering me this whole email).

Cruise through the sports page on SFGATE.

Average that pace on a half marathon Not even close!

1 comment:

  1. Good to see you blogging again. Which Brooks group are you in this year? Have a great 2011
